Publication Opportunities


All accepted (EXTENDED ABSTRACTS) EA will be published in e-proceeding with e-ISSN (English or Malay). Only selected high quality FULL PAPERS (the authors have to expand their respective manuscripts as per requirements of the following publications for journal publication, subjected to the final decision by the Editorial Board of those Journals:

  1. Voice of Academia (VOA), UiTM Kedah, indexed in (MyJournal)
  2. Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching (CPLT), UiTM Kedah, Indexed in (Asean Citation Index) & MyCite
  3. Journal of Administrative Science (JAS), FSPPP, Indexed in (Asean Citation Index) & MyCite


The full article can be submitted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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